The initial protection period is 4 years from the filing date, and can be renewed twice, 4 years and 2 years respectively, up to 10 years.
Reinstatement of priority is accepted on the grounds of "due care".
Filing Language: Finnish/Swedish
Necessary documents:
- Exterior Design Picture (Six Views)
- A Brief Description
Attachments (if any):
- Power of Attorney
- Certified Priority Document
- Declaration of Ownership/Certification of Employment/Assignment of priority
- Assignment for Patent Right Transfer
The initial protection period is 4 years from the filing date, and can be renewed twice, 4 years and 2 years respectively, up to 10 years.
The novelty grace period is 12 months before the filing date/priority date.
Initial protection for 5 years. It can be renewed 4 times, each time for 5 years, with a maximum protection of 25 years. If the design is part of a complex product and is used to restore the integrity of the product, it is valid for a maximum of 15 years from the filing date.
- Grant fee: The applicant shall pay the granted announcement fee within 2 months after receiving the official notification.
- Annuity: The annual fee will be paid year by year starting from the third year (including the first-third year annual fee). Overdue annual fee can be paid within a grace period of 6 months, and a 20% late fee will be paid at the same time.
Examination of form only. The utility model application is examined for compliance with formal requirements, uniformity and registrability. If there is no special requirement, no novelty review will be conducted. The applicant can submit a request for delay in grant within 2 months from the filing date/priority date, and the grant can be delayed for 15 months at the latest.
- Grant fee: The applicant shall pay the granted announcement fee within 2 months after receiving the official notification.
- Annuity: The annual fee can be paid once every 5 years, and the annual fee can be paid within a grace period of 6 months if the annual fee is overdue, and a 20% penalty should be paid at the same time.
Reinstatement of priority is accepted on the grounds of "due care".