申请流程 Application Process Flow
发明专利申请流程 Invention
Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department
Website: Intellectual Property Department - Overview of Intellectual Property (ipd.gov.hk)
Hong Kong Patent Search: Patent Search (ipd.gov.hk)
Submission language: Chinese/English | |
Route 1: Transcription of standard patents | Route 2: Original Grant Standard Patent Route (Paris Convention) |
Necessary documents: 1. Name and address of applicant | Necessary documents: 1. Summary of the instructions |
The designated patent office is: 1. China State Intellectual Property Office 2. UK Patent Office 3. European Patent Office (designated UK effective) | Additional documents (if any) 1. Sequence Listing (PDF and TXT) |
- Hong Kong Standard Patent (R) : 20 years (from the date of Chinese patent application)
- Originally granted standard patent in Hong Kong: 20 years (from the date of application)
- Hong Kong Standard Patent (R)
Stage 1: Submit a registration request within 6 months after the designated patent application is published;
The second stage: submit a registration and authorization request within 6 months of the designated patent authorization announcement.
- Originally granted standard patent in Hong Kong: within 12 months from the priority date;
- Hong Kong Standard Patent (R)
Stage 1: Request for recording, the applicant must submit a request in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region within 6 months after the publication of the designated patent application;
The second stage: Request for registration and grant, the applicant must submit a request for registration and grant in the Hong Kong SAR within 6 months after the Hong Kong SAR publishes the request to record or the designated patent office publishes the designated patent (whichever is the later).
- Originally granted standard patent in Hong Kong: after formal examination and substantive examination;
- Hong Kong Standard Patent (R)
The first stage of recording takes 2-4 months
Second stage registration time: 6-9 months
- Originally granted standard patent in Hong Kong: 2-3 years
- Annual fees for Hong Kong standard patent (R) application: The first annual fee must be paid within three months before the fourth anniversary of the patent application from the date of grant of the standard patent (R) application. Subsequent annual fees will be due on each anniversary of the standard patent (R) application thereafter. If the deadline is missed, payment can be made within a six-month grace period.
Example 1:
Example 2:
- Annual fees for Hong Kong original authorized standard patents: The first annual fee must be paid within 3 months before the fourth anniversary of the patent application from the date of authorization. Subsequent annual fees will be due on each anniversary of the original authorized standard patent application thereafter. If the deadline is missed, it can be paid within the 6-month grace period.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Original granted standard patent: Yes, 14 months from the priority date
实用新型申请流程 Utility Model
Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department
Website: Intellectual Property Department - Overview of Intellectual Property (ipd.gov.hk)
Hong Kong Patent Search: Patent Search (ipd.gov.hk)
Submission language: Chinese/English |
Hong Kong Short-term Patent Route |
Necessary documents:
Additional files: 1. Scanned copy of the priority document |
Note: A short-term patent may not have more than two independent claims. |
Hong Kong short-term patent: 8 years
12 months from the priority date
Only formal examination is conducted. Once a short-term patent is granted, the patent owner or any third party with reasonable grounds or legitimate commercial interests can request a substantive examination of the patent. If the examination is passed, the Registry will issue a substantive examination certificate; if the examination fails, the Registry will revoke the short-term patent.
Hong Kong short-term patent annual fee: must be renewed once in the fourth year from the date of application. If missed, payment can be made within the 6-month grace period
4-6 months
Yes, 14 months from the priority date
外观设计申请流程 Design
Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department
Website: Intellectual Property Department - Overview of Intellectual Property (ipd.gov.hk)
Hong Kong Patent Search: Public Online Search (ipd.gov.hk)
Submission language: Chinese/English |
Necessary documents:
Additional documents (if any):
The maximum period is 25 years, with the initial protection period being 5 years and then renewable every 5 years.
Within 6 months from the priority date
Formal examination only
A 12-month novelty grace period is available if:
- Disclosure of designs at international exhibitions organized or recognized by the Hong Kong authorities
Disclosure without the applicant’s consent
The design application must be submitted to the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department within 6 months after the above disclosure and the corresponding evidence must be submitted.
The renewal fee must be submitted within 3 months before the expiration of the 5-year protection period. If the deadline is missed, it can be paid within the 6-month grace period.
3-6 months
套餐价格(官费和服务费) / Package fee
![]() | Get exact prices For the country / regionE-mail: mail@yezhimaip.com |
消息与资讯 Information
- Streamlining the patent process with EffoPag’s artificial intelligence
- How to apply for trademark renewal in Hong Kong?
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