If the designer or a third party who directly or indirectly obtains relevant information from the designer discloses the design within 12 months before the filing date/priority date, the design will not lose its novelty.
12-18 months
- yes. The same category may include multiple designs in one design.
12-14 months
20 years
- via Paris Convention : 6 months from earliest priority date.
- Hague Agreement route: 6 months from earliest priority date.
Ukrainian Intellectual Property Institute
English: Ukrainian Intellectual Property Institute (UKRPATENT)
Website: Ukrpatent
Ukrainian invention patent search: Specialized DB "Inventions (Utility Models) in Ukraine" (uipv.org)
Novelty of the invention shall not be lost if the inventor, or a third party who directly or indirectly obtains relevant information from the inventor, discloses the invention information within 12 months before the filing date/priority date.
UKRPATENT conducts formality examination and substantive examination of invention patent applications. The applicant needs to submit a request for substantive examination and pay the official fee within 3 years from the filing date.
- Grant fee: The applicant shall pay the patent announcement fee and granted fee within 3 months after receiving the patent granted decision.
- Annuity: payable year by year from the first year onwards from the application date. The first annual fee should be paid within 4 months after the patent grant. If the annual fee is overdue, the payment can be postponed within the 6-month grace period after the expiration of the period, and a 50% penalty must be paid at the same time.