6-8 months
- via Paris Convention : 6 months from earliest priority date.
- EU route: 6 months from earliest priority date.
- Hague Agreement route: 6 months from earliest priority date.
English: L'Institut national de la propriété industrielle, abbreviation: INPI
Website: www.inpi.fr
French Invention Patent Search: Recherche avancée - Data INPI
Filing Language: French
via Paris Convention Necessary documents:
- Abstract
- Abstract Drawing
- Claim
- Specification
- Drawing
Attachments (if any)
- Sequence Listing (PDF format and TXT format)
- Certificate of Deposit of Microorganisms and its French translation
- Certificate of Microbiological Survival and its French Translation
- Certified Priority Document
- Declaration of Ownership/Certification of Employment/Assignment of priority
- Assignment for Patent Right Transfer
- Notification issued by CNIPA notify the applicant the application has passed through the security review
- Business license for company registration or articles of incorporation
- Relevant information of references of other national applications with the same priority should be provided upon request of INPI)
yes. Multiple designs may be included in one French design application, provided that the designs belong to the same class in the International Classification of Designs.
Filing Language: French Necessary documents:
- Exterior Design Picture (Six Views)
- A Brief Description
Attachments (if any):
- Power of Attorney
- Certified Priority Document
- Declaration of Ownership/Certification of Employment/Assignment of priority
- Assignment for Patent Right Transfer
- small entity declaration
- inventor statement
- Business license for company registration or articles of incorporation
25 years
The novelty grace period is 6 months before the filing date/priority date.
INPI only conducts formality examination of utility model patent applications, and does not conduct search and substantive examination. However, in case of litigation, a search report needs to be submitted.
no. (Utility models submitted before January 11, 2020 can be converted into inventions, provided that the technical preparations for publication are completed (approximately 16 months from the filing date). Search fees and search reports must be submitted at the same time.)