10 years
English: L'Institut national de la propriété industrielle, abbreviation: INPI
Website: www.inpi.fr
French Invention Patent Search: Recherche avancée - Data INPI
The novelty grace period is 6 months before the filing date/priority date.
The novelty grace period is 6 months before the filing date/priority date.
Reinstatement of Priority Accepted on Unintentional Grounds.
Reinstatement of Priority Accepted on Unintentional Grounds.
English: L'Institut national de la propriété industrielle, abbreviation: INPI
Website: www.inpi.fr
French Utility Model Search: Recherche avancée - Data INPI
The novelty grace period is 6 months before the filing date/priority date.
- Grant fee: The applicant needs to pay the granted fee after receiving the granted notice.
- Annuity: From the first year of application, the annual fee is paid year by year, and the annual fee for the first year is included in the application fee. The annual fee for the second year is payable on the anniversary date of the patent application. If the annual fee is overdue, you can pay it within a grace period of 6 months, and pay a late fee at the same time.