Filing Language: Ukrainian | |
via Paris Convention | via Nationalization of PCT |
Necessary documents:
| Necessary documents:
Attachments (if any)
| Attachments (if any)
UKRPATENT conducts formality examination and substantive examination of invention patent applications. The applicant needs to submit a request for substantive examination and pay the official fee within 3 years from the filing date.
yes. The applicant may request to change the patent type from invention to utility model before the invention patent application is granted.
Reinstatement of priority accepted on grounds of "Unintentional".
20 years
The invention does not lose its novelty if the inventor, or a third party who directly or indirectly obtains relevant information from the inventor, discloses the invention information within 12 months before the filing date/priority date.
Filing Language: Ukrainian Necessary documents:
- Exterior Design Picture (Six Views)
- A Brief Description
Attachments (if any):
- Power of Attorney
- Certified Priority Document
- Declaration of Ownership/Certification of Employment/Assignment of priority
- Assignment for Patent Right Transfer
Ukrainian Intellectual Property Institute
English: Ukrainian Intellectual Property Institute (UKRPATENT)
Website: Ukrpatent
Ukrainian Utility Model Patent Search: Specialized DB "Inventions (Utility Models) in Ukraine" (
If the designer or a third party who directly or indirectly obtains relevant information from the designer discloses the design within 12 months before the filing date/priority date, the design will not lose its novelty.