10 years
Filing Language: Indonesian Necessary documents:
- Exterior Design Picture (Six Views)
- A Brief Description
Attachments (if any):
- Power of Attorney
- Priority certificate and its Indonesian translation
- Declaration of Ownership/Certification of Employment/Assignment of priority
- Assignment for Patent Right Transfer
- Authorization Fee: None
- Annual Fee: None
The novelty grace period is 6 months before the filing date/priority date.
The novelty grace period is 6 months before the filing date/priority date.
- Authorization Fee: None
- Annuity: The applicant should pay the annual fee from the first year to the year of granted in one lump sum within 6 months from the date of granted (calculated from the date of application). Then the annual fee is paid year by year, and the deadline is one month before the application date of each year. If the annual fee is overdue, it can be paid within a grace period of 12 months, and a penalty should be paid at the same time.
10 years