If the patent is disclosed due to the display at the exposition or unintentional disclosure, the novelty grace period can be enjoyed within 6 months before the filing date/priority date.
- Grant fee: The applicant shall pay the granted official fee within 2 months after receiving the granted notice.
- Annuity: It needs to be paid year by year starting from the fifth year from the application date.
Filing Language: English Necessary documents:
- Exterior Design Picture (Six Views)
- A Brief Description
Attachments (if any):
- Power of Attorney
- Priority certification documents and their English translations of Certified Priority Documents
- Declaration of Ownership/Certification of Employment/Assignment of priority
Assignment for Patent Right Transfer
All patent application documents in Bangladesh need to be notarized
20 years (Bangladesh Patents Act 2022)
2 years
DPDT conducts formality examination and substantive examination of invention patent applications. The substantive examination starts automatically, and the applicant does not need to file a separate request for substantive examination. If the conditions for patent granted are met, the patent application will enter the public stage. If there is no objection within 4 months after publication, the patent application will be authorized.
- Authorization Fee: None
- Annuity: payable year by year starting from the 6th year from the date of application
DPDT only conducts formality examination of design patent applications, not substantive examination.
6 months before the filing date/priority date.