1-2 years
yes. Within 3 years from the date of application, or within 3 months from the date of receipt of the rejection decision, the patent type can be changed from design to invention/utility model at the request of the applicant.
A conversion fee shall be paid for patent type conversion. Once the original patent application is converted, it will be deemed withdrawn.
5-7 months
20 years, and the validity period of patents for pharmaceutical inventions and pesticide inventions can be extended to 25 years upon application.
Inventors have a novelty grace period of 12 months after disclosure (including sale).
Reinstatement of priority on grounds of "due care" accepted.
- Within the period of 9 years and 6 months from the date of application for the invention patent, or within 3 months from the date of receipt of the notification of rejection, the patent type of the invention patent may be changed from invention to utility model/design upon request
- A request to change the patent type from invention to utility model/design can be filed within three months from the date of the JPO’s first decision to reject the application
A conversion fee shall be paid for patent type conversion. Once the original patent application is converted, it will be deemed withdrawn.
Japan Patent Office
English: Japan Patent Office, abbreviation: JPO
Website: Japan Patent Office (jpo.go.jp)
Japanese Utility Model Patent Search: Japan Platform for Patent Information|J-PlatPat [JPP] (inpit.go.jp)
Reinstatement of priority is accepted on grounds of "due care."