Page number of multi-country patent application fee calculator - welcome to try it!

Submitted by 页之码 on

Multi-country patent application fee calculator

On March 29, the official website of Pagezhima was updated iteratively and released the Pagezhibao knowledge base and Pagezhima multi-country patent application fee calculator. The Page Code Calculator is a global patent application fee calculator designed by the Page Code team based on its in-depth understanding and mastery of the patent application processes in various countries. It facilitates users to make accurate calculations on the global patent layout. Users of the website can accurately calculate the patent application fees based on their own needs, the destination country and the type of patent application.

Once the calculator was released, it received widespread attention and high praise in the industry. Peers have said that the Yizhibao knowledge base and Yizhima calculator have the most complete patent information on the entire network and are simple and clear. Even if you are a patent novice, It can also provide a comprehensive understanding of patent knowledge, saving users a lot of time in searching for information and the embarrassment of not being able to access foreign official websites.

At the same time, we also received inquiries from customers from all over the country, asking about how to use the calculator and the composition of cost information. Some users even asked if the Page Code team could build a similar calculator for their own company. . Here, we would like to specifically explain that the Page Code calculator is only a small part of the subsequent system, and the subsequent Page Code will successively launch a patent application document interaction and management system.

How to use the calculator [Tip: The Page Code Calculator does not collect user information and can be used freely without registration]
1. Enter the official website of, click [Price Calculator] on the navigation bar or the quick entry on the homepage [Quickly calculate the cost of entering the national phase]

2. After entering the calculator interface, select the patent application category: invention, utility model or design. Only a single type can be selected.
[After entering the invention or utility model, the system will automatically match the patent application types allowed by each country. For example, after the United States is checked, the utility model information page that needs to be filled in will not appear. This is because the United States does not have this type of utility model. patent]

3. Entry route: choose the route of entering the national phase of the PCT international application or the route of direct entry under the Paris Convention. Only one route can be selected.
[After selecting the entry route, the system will automatically match according to the entry routes of each country. For example, Argentina will not appear in the country selection of the PCT entry route. This is because Argentina is not a PCT contracting country and cannot enter through the PCT route]

4. Select the destination country. Multiple countries can be selected together.

5. In the [Patent Information] column, enter the patent application information of the country you want to enter.

5.1 Priority date or application date. If there is a Chinese patent application as the basis, the Chinese application date can be set as the priority date;

5. 2 Number of claims;

5. 3 Number of pages in the instruction manual;

5. 4 Number of pages of instructions and drawings;

6. Fill in the contact information and click Calculate Price [The page code does not collect user information, you can fill it in and use it]

7. The system will automatically calculate the fees required for patent applications in each country, including official fees and service fees, and list the details of the official fees and service fees separately in the detailed list. The total price listed is RMB quotation after conversion.