TURKPATENT only conducts formality examination and prior art search for utility model patent applications, and does not protect methods or chemical products. The search is only for novelty and industrial applicability, and there is no requirement for inventive step. The applicant shall submit the prior art search request within 3 months from the date of issuance of the acceptance notice.
- Is a utility model application convertible in Türkiye?
- Is a design application in Türkiye eligible for DAS?
- Is it possible to apply for a combined appearance in a Turkish industrial design application?
- How long does it take to authorize an industrial design in Türkiye?
- Which is the competent authority for invention patent applications in Türkiye
- How long is the PCT deadline for utility model applications in Türkiye?
- Instructions for Authorization and Annual Fee of Utility Model Application in Türkiye
- How long does it take for a Turkish invention patent application to be granted?
- Is a utility model application eligible for DAS in Türkiye?
- Features of the design patent application process in Turkey