13 years
- via Paris Convention : 6 months from earliest priority date.
- Hague Agreement route: 6 months from earliest priority date.
- Grant fee: The applicant should pay the granted fee, registration fee and first annual fee within 4 months after receiving the granted decision.
- Annuity: pay year by year from the 3rd year from the application date, the annual fee can be paid within a grace period of 6 months if the annual fee is overdue, and the penalty is 50% of the annual fee of the year.
Reinstatement of priority on grounds of "due care" accepted.
20 years, inventions of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and pesticides can enjoy a maximum patent term extension of 5 years.
The initial protection is 5 years, which can be renewed every 5 years, up to a maximum of 25 years.
- Grant fee: The applicant should pay the granted fee, registration fee and first annual fee within 4 months after receiving the granted decision.
- Annuity: pay year by year starting from the first year from the application date, the annual fee can be paid within a grace period of 6 months if the annual fee is overdue, and a 50% penalty must be paid at the same time.
Reinstatement of priority is accepted on grounds of "due care".
The novelty grace period is 12 months before the filing date/priority date.
yes. The applicant can request to change the patent type from utility model to invention before the patent is granted.