Characteristics of the Argentine invention patent application process

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INPI conducts formal and substantive examinations of invention patent applications. There are three ways to submit an application to INPI: online application, mailing and submitting a written application to INPI in person. No matter which way the application is filed, the application date of the patent is the time when the patent applicant sends the complete patent application text to INPI. The patent application is published within 18 months from the priority date, and a fee can be paid to file an early publication request; from the date of publication, anyone can submit opinions within the 60-day objection period, if there is no objection, the latest from the application date Enter the stage of substantive examination within 18 months. The average number of examination opinions for each patent application is 3. Patents are granted if the requirements of novelty, practicality and inventiveness are met.
