yes. It is allowed to include multiple designs in one design application.
Novelty grace period applies if the invention is disclosed to the public within six months of the filing date or priority date.
- via Paris Convention : 12 months from earliest priority date.
- via Nationalization of PCT : 30 months from the earliest priority date.
- Validation of European Patent in EPO member states: 3 months from the date of European patent grant
1 year
- Licensing Fee: None.
- Annuity: payable year by year starting from the fourth year from the date of application. The payment date can be the last day of the month where the application date is located. Overdue annual fees can be paid within a grace period of six months, and a penalty of 50.00 Swiss francs must be paid at the same time.
IGE/IPI only conducts formality examination of design patent applications. No novelty review is performed. Applicants may request a 30-month delay in publication.
yes. It is allowed to include multiple designs in one design application.