The world's first international communication center city index released

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On February 8, the "International Exchange Center Cities Index 2022" press conference and academic seminar was held at Tsinghua University. At the meeting, the China Development Planning Research Institute of Tsinghua University and Deloitte China jointly released the "International Communication Center Cities Index 2022".

According to reports, as the world's first international exchange center city index report, the "International Exchange Center City Index 2022" pays more attention to a city's degree of participation and potential in global factor agglomeration, political and economic exchanges, and cultural exchanges, and pays more attention to its impact on the world. pattern, international relations, and the influence of global civilization, more emphasis is placed on having the ability to allocate global resources and the institutions, platforms, and rules that carry this ability. According to the report, an international communication center city is a city that has the functions of connecting and serving the world, can gather high-end international elements, and play an important role in global affairs. It is a key node and a hub platform in the international communication network.

Based on the three dimensions of attractiveness, influence, and connectivity, the index report constructs an evaluation framework for international communication center cities consisting of 11 second-level indicators and 25 third-level indicators, and evaluates 37 typical cities around the world. Describe and compare the development characteristics of different cities.

The results show that London, New York, Paris, Singapore, Seoul, Hong Kong, Beijing, Tokyo, San Francisco, and Copenhagen are among the top 10 cities in the index of international communication centers. Beijing is the only mainland Chinese city to enter the top 10.

The report shows that Beijing has the most advantage in terms of influence, ranking third. At the level of secondary indicators, technological innovation ranks second, mainly due to the high-quality scientific and technological innovation resources in the jurisdiction. In the past five years, the number of highly cited scientific and technological papers in Beijing is second only to Boston, and the number of PCT international patent applications ranks fifth among participating cities. Cultural education ranks third, thanks to the rich historical and cultural resources and high-quality higher education resources in the jurisdiction. Beijing is a unique "Double Olympic City" and a millennium ancient capital with a long history. It is also the city with the most world cultural heritage sites in the world. Economic development ranks 5th, showing strong economic competitiveness.

Beijing brings together China's top economic policy resources and financial and financial resources, and plays a pivotal role in global economic development and resource allocation. Among the participating cities, Beijing has the largest number of headquarters of the world's top 500 companies.

Yang Weimin, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and deputy director of the Economic Committee, pointed out that the index of international communication center cities released this time has three characteristics: scientificity, integrity, and usefulness. It not only conforms to the scientific laws of urban development, but also has clear policy implications. Under the background of China embarking on a new journey of comprehensively building a modernized country and promoting high-level opening up, this research observes the development of cities from the perspective of international exchanges and compares the capabilities and levels of international exchanges of typical cities around the world. Cities positioned for function have policy significance, and also have guiding significance for the expansion and opening up of other cities in my country and foreign exchanges and exchanges.

Peng Gang, vice president of Tsinghua University, said that cities as centers of international exchanges play an irreplaceable and unique role in promoting the common development of the world, promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and responding to the common challenges of mankind. Building an international communication center is one of the strategic positioning of the capital's "four centers". The release of the international communication center city index is a vivid practice of Tsinghua's in-depth service to the development of the capital in the new era and the functional construction of the "four centers" of the capital. The next step will be to deepen the cooperation with national ministries and commissions, Beijing Municipality and international organizations, continue to compile the index and release the results regularly, and strive to promote the function building of the international communication center, create a new situation of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and deepen the exchanges and interactions among civilizations around the world. Kam made a contribution to Tsinghua University.

An academic seminar was held after the conference. Zhao Changwen, director of the China International Development Knowledge Center, Shi Xiaodong, dean of the Beijing Institute of Urban Planning and Design, Li Guoping, dean of the Capital Development Institute of Peking University, and Wang Huiyao, chairman of the Globalization Think Tank, and others to "promote urban exchanges and mutual learning, and build an open and inclusive world" A keynote speech was given on the theme.

The participating experts also carried out a round table discussion on the "Status, Function and Trend of International Exchange Center Cities". More than 100 people from the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and other central units, the British and French embassies in China, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government and other relevant units in Beijing, as well as experts and scholars in various fields participated in the event.

