Journey around the world

Submitted by 页之码 on

Before the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, the page set off from Europe, via Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands, Spain, Austria, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, India, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, transited to the United States, Canada, Mexico, went to Australia and New Zealand, and finally arrived in South Africa and Brazil, ending the global tour.

These 30 countries are not random, but have been carefully selected. Among the 30 countries, there are Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, which are the most chosen by Chinese people, Poland, a country with extremely high economic and trade enthusiasm in recent years, and Southeast Asian countries in the Asian economic circle and South American countries that are involved with the national layout. The selection of 30 countries is supported by the data of Chinese applicants applying for patents abroad. With the strengthening of China's national strength, the rapid growth of cross-border e-commerce business, the increasing business volume of export-oriented high-tech enterprises, and the increasing importance of intellectual property rights in China, the number of Chinese applicants' overseas applications will also increase. more and more. Statistics show that by 2025, there will be 90,000 overseas invention patent granteds.

Pages have been working in the industry for many years, and they are well aware of the difficulties and pain points of Chinese applicants applying abroad. They have collected the document requirements, time limit requirements and fee requirements for Chinese applicants to apply for patents in most countries around the world. The account will be displayed for everyone, and the needs of all parties will be collected successively, and more and better channels will be increasingly enriched and improved on the basis of 30 countries.

The following is the introduction of patent application procedures in 30 countries with page numbers.


United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil


Austria, Poland, Germany, Russia, France, Netherlands, Europe, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Israel, United Kingdom


UAE, Philippines, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, India, Indonesia


New Zealand, Australia


South Africa