Israel Chapter of Global Patent GO——Introduction to Israel Patent Application

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Israel in a word

Today Global Patent GO came to the last stop in Europe - Israel. There are always some countries in the world who cannot speak clearly in a sentence or two, and Israel should be one of them. Due to its special political, geographical and historical reasons, it has a strong sense of survival and crisis, and the whole country of Israel is committed to improving its scientific and technological strength. The creation of the State of Israel was difficult, and its creation and the result of wars with its neighbors led to the most difficult political problems in the world today. Israel is located at the junction of the Eurasian continent and has been the meeting place of various nations since ancient times. The territory where Israel lived has been ruled by as many as 18 countries in history, including ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Ottoman Turkish Empire, and the British Empire. It has experienced many occupations and active wars. Israel is still a Restless land. Despite such a complicated history and tortuous life experience, Israel's GDP still ranks 37th in the world, the proportion of Israeli citizens with higher education is the highest in the world, the labor force level is the highest in the world, and even the life expectancy of Israel's population ranks among the highest in the world.

Despite the lack of natural resources, Israel has developed a very mature and intensive agriculture and industry. Israel has a wide range of oil refining, diamond mining and semiconductor manufacturing industries. Engineering, agriculture, aviation and other fields all have the world's advanced technical level. Its electronic monitoring system and unmanned aircraft have in-depth technology exchanges with the United States and have a high reputation worldwide. Artificial intelligence, big data, and agricultural technology have Very leading core competitiveness. Israel has as many as 430 top R&D centers of world-renowned companies, covering almost all the advanced technologies in the world. In the latest World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report, Israel, with more than 8,000 technology companies, ranks second in the world in terms of innovation.

Israel is the first country in the Middle East to recognize the People's Republic of China, and its advantages in technological innovation are extremely prominent. China is now Israel's largest trading partner in Asia and the second largest trading partner in the world after the United States. Long before the establishment of diplomatic relations, China had carried out some military technology cooperation with Israel, which accelerated the process of China's national defense modernization. The structure of China-Israel bilateral trade is also constantly being optimized, shifting from traditional product trade such as electronics, diamonds, and chemicals to high-tech, new energy, biotechnology, and modern medicine, showing a trend of diversification. In recent years, a large number of Chinese investors have poured into Israel to invest, especially in high-tech fields such as the Internet, new energy, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. Huawei has opened an R&D center in Israel called Toga Networks, Alibaba has invested in Israeli start-up Visualead for its QR code technology, and Qihoo has invested in a company specializing in image recognition technology. The Israeli company Cortica, Chinese companies such as ChemChina, Lenovo and Xiaomi have all invested and acquired in Israel, focusing on cloud computing, artificial intelligence, semiconductors and communication networks.

Today we will take a look at Israel's patent system.

Introduction to the Israeli Patent System

1. Paths for Chinese applicants to apply for patents in Israel

Paris Convention, via Nationalization of PCT to Israel national phase, direct application.

2. Review unit

The Israel Patent Office, ILPO, is part of the Israeli Ministry of Justice. There are five departments under the Patent, Patent Procedures, Design, Trademark and Patent Cooperation Treaty.

3. submit application

1) Time limit requirements: ILPO recognizes the restoration of the right of priority, and may allow the submission of a request for restoration of rights within 2 months after the expiration of the 12-month period, but it is extremely difficult, and notarized copies of supporting documents are required.

2) Submit the application: paper or electronic submission;

3) Language of filing: The official languages for patent applications in Israel are Hebrew, Arabic and English. It is allowed to submit in other languages, but the translation must be submitted within 3 months after submitting the application.

4. formal review

The ILPO conducts a formality examination of the patent application and assigns an application number if it meets the requirements.

5. Publication, examination and granted <br>A patent application is published within 18 months from the earliest priority date/application date, and the ILPO automatically conducts substantive examination according to the order in which the application is submitted, and the applicant does not need to submit a separate request for substantive examination. The official fee for granting patent publication should be paid within 3 months after receiving the pre-approval notification. Upon payment of the publication fee, a notice of approval will be published and the application published within the 3-month opposition period. If there is no objection, the patent will be granted. The first maintenance annual fee should be paid within 3 months after the announcement of the patent granted decision, and the annual fee is valid for 1-6 years. Future annual fees are payable every 4 years. It is also possible to pay the annual fee for the full validity period in one lump sum.

Israel has a post-grant amendment system, which can be amended after the patent certificate is issued without expanding the protection scope of the Claim.

6. IDS system <br>Israel has an IDS system similar to that of the United States. The applicant shall declare to disclose the detailed information of the information that affects the patentability of the invention. Both the legal representative of the applicant and the registration related persons applying for the patent have this obligation. Information may be submitted in any form, including but not limited to prior art. This obligation continues until the grant announcement of the patent or the withdrawal of the patent application. Deliberate failure to submit an information disclosure statement may render future patents unenforceable. There is no official fee for IDS filing.

Designs in Israel

In August 2018, Israel's Design Law made a lot of substantive revisions on the basis of the original patent and design regulations, further in line with international standards, and strengthened protection. Unregistered designs with novelty and unique features will be eligible for 3 years of design protection, such as fashion clothing, it is difficult to obtain the protection of registered designs in time due to frequent changes, but if the design is first published or the production takes place in Israel , can be protected.

Advantages of Patent Application in Israel

1. Israel has a provisional application system where applicants can file a complete application within one year of the filing date of the provisional application while retaining the original filing date of the provisional application. If the applicant does not submit a complete application within 1 year, the provisional application will be deemed abandoned and will not be published.

2. The "Israel Innovation Authority 2018-2022 Strategic Plan" strongly encourages start-up technology companies and provides a lot of financial support for start-up companies.

3. In order to attract domestic and foreign investment and promote the transformation of scientific and technological research and development achievements, the Israeli government has established a number of industrial parks across the country, including 43 in the northern district, 29 in the southern district, and 13 in the Jerusalem district. The industrial park has complete production, storage and other infrastructure, equipped with safety facilities, public transportation, hospitals and other supporting facilities, which can provide investors with a good operating environment. Investors can also enjoy the preferential policies of the park such as capital subsidies, loan financing and tax relief provided by the government. The park integrates technology incubation and industrial production. Once the enterprises settled in the park succeed in research and development, they can set up factories in the park for production. The industrial park has become an incubator for high-tech industries in Israel.

4. The patent protection period of biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical patents can be extended for up to 5 years.

Friendliness to Chinese applicants:


Gold content of patent rights:


The degree of perfection of the rights protection mechanism:
