The 2023 Yueqing City Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Action Plan Encourages Foreign Patent Applications

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On January 29, the Yueqing Municipal People's Government issued a notice on printing and distributing the "Yueqing City Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Action Plan in 2023", which stated:

Comprehensively enhance brand competitiveness. Implement the brand competitiveness improvement project, launch the "Pinziba" regional public brand, and support enterprises to establish brand promotion departments. Promote the improvement of product quality, encourage leading enterprises and "specialized, special and new" enterprises to focus on technological innovation and product quality, and concentrate superior resources to create "hit products". In-depth implementation of the three-year action plan for pilot counties in the construction of strong national intellectual property rights counties, strengthening the creation, utilization and protection of intellectual property rights, guiding and encouraging enterprises and individuals to apply for invention patents, and encouraging enterprises to apply for foreign patents through PCT. In-depth development of the "Made in Zhejiang" standard formulation, standardization pilot projects, and actively promote the construction of the Zhejiang Low-Voltage Apparatus Standardization Technical Committee. In 2023, 8 new "Made in Zhejiang" brand label enterprises will be newly cultivated, more than 5 new "Made in Zhejiang" standards will be formulated, and more than 1 national/industry standard will be added. Strive to have 7.8 high-value invention patents per 10,000 people, add 5 new intellectual property rights certification enterprises, and have a credit amount of more than 800 million yuan for trademark and patent pledge financing. (Responsible unit: Municipal Market Supervision Bureau)

The original text of the "2023 Yueqing City Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Action Plan" is as follows:

All township people's governments, sub-district offices, and units directly under the municipal government:

The "2023 Yueqing City Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Action Plan" has been studied and approved at the 16th executive meeting of the 17th municipal government, and is now issued to you. Please organize and implement it carefully.

Yueqing Municipal People's Government

January 28, 2023

(This piece is publicly released)

2023 Yueqing City Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading Action Plan

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party and the Economic Work Conference of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, according to the important deployment of the 15th Party Congress of the city and the third meeting of the 15th Party Congress, we will focus on the grand goal of "1310" and strive to do our best to " Three promotions and one excellence" combined boxing to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, this action plan is specially formulated.

1. General requirements

Adhere to the fundamental guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, faithfully implement the "Eight-Eight Strategy" and strive to create "important windows" as the main theme, and take the promotion of innovative development, transformation and upgrading, and reform and tackling as the basic path, anchoring High-end, intelligent, and green development direction, focusing on the development goals of "new energy", "new era" and "Internet of Things" and "connecting the world", focusing on promoting the upgrading of the industrial base and the modernization of the industrial chain, focusing on cultivating high-quality enterprise groups and upgrading Advanced manufacturing capabilities, focusing on building quality brands and promoting open cooperation, accelerating the transformation of industrial quality, efficiency, and power, and making every effort to create emerging industries dominated by smart electrical, digital economy, new energy, new materials, smart equipment, and port economy. The "1+4+1" modern industrial system featuring industries. In 2023, strive to exceed 220 billion yuan in industrial output value, an increase of 10%; the added value of industrial production in the designated area will increase by 7%.

2. Main measures

(1) Concentrating on industry upgrades to promote upgrading

1. Revitalize the new vitality of leading industries. With the goal of promoting the electrical cluster to a world-class level, accelerate the creation of an intelligent electrical industrial cluster with leading industrial scale, active innovation atmosphere, close division of labor and cooperation, and a complete ecological system. Promote the transformation of the traditional electrical industry to intelligence, vigorously develop complete sets of equipment for intelligent power distribution, intelligent power distribution network systems, and highly autonomous power distribution systems, and continuously improve the reliability, stability and consistency of products. Fully compete for the new energy track, promote the industry to change lanes and overtake, accelerate the integration of the electrical industry and the new energy industry, and focus on the development of solar photovoltaic, wind energy, energy storage, hydrogen energy and other new energy power generation equipment, new energy surge protectors, new energy Intelligent replacement device, etc. Promote the expansion of the electrical industry from the traditional construction field to the production, living, and ecological fields, accelerate the integrated development of electricity, new energy vehicles, and smart homes, increase the cultivation of enterprises such as charging piles, filtering devices, monitoring equipment, and communication modules, and break through the manufacturing of complete machines and Intelligent operation link. In 2023, strive to achieve a total output value of 165 billion yuan in the electrical industry, with a planned output value of 115 billion yuan; and a 55 billion yuan output value in the new energy industry. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Bureau, Municipal Economic and Information Bureau*, * is the leading unit, the same below)

2. Stimulate new momentum in emerging industries. Make the electronic information industry bigger and stronger, vigorously develop an industrial structure that focuses on automotive electronics, supplemented by communication electronics and consumer electronics, and new growth points such as new displays and integrated circuits, and focuses on the development of new energy networked automotive batteries, motors, and electronic controls Such as "three electric" core key components, accelerate the upgrading of traditional electronic products to "vehicle-grade" products, and create a new generation of electronic information industry clusters with strong competitiveness, high output efficiency, and strong development potential. Focus on planning the new material industry, focus on the four key areas of advanced polymer materials, high-end metal materials, advanced functional materials and cutting-edge new materials, focus on promoting the construction of Chint's graphene new material innovation center, and achieve new breakthroughs in the development of the new material industry. Accelerate the development of the high-end equipment industry, focus on cultivating a group of local high-end equipment catalog enterprises and products, and form a landmark covering all elements of intelligent equipment R&D and design, manufacturing and processing, complete solution solutions, general contracting of projects, and remote operation and maintenance services for equipment. industrial chain. Actively promote the development of characteristic industries such as port economy, life and health (Dendrobium), helmets, and drill bits, cultivate modern port-side industrial clusters, create a complete industrial chain of over 10 billion Dendrobium, and improve the innovation level of helmet and drill industry clusters. In 2023, realize the planned output value of the electronic information manufacturing industry of 58 billion yuan; strive to achieve the planned output value of the new material industry of 8.5 billion yuan; and the planned output value of the smart equipment industry of 32.5 billion yuan. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Bureau*, Municipal Economic and Information Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Management Committee of Yueqing Bay Lingang Economic Development Zone, Furong Town, Chengdong Street)

3. New advantage of reengineering industrial base. Carry out the construction of project reserves for core basic components, core electronic components, industrial basic software, key basic materials, advanced basic technology, and industrial technology foundation. Accelerate the improvement of precision molds, electroplating, fasteners, stamping parts, copper deep processing, plastic products and other industrial supporting facilities, continue to promote the pilot project of intelligent technological transformation in the electroplating industry, and improve the technological level of the precision mold industry. Organize and implement a number of industrial foundation reconstruction and industrial chain upgrading projects. In 2023, establish three provincial industrial chain collaborative innovation project cultivation libraries. (Responsible units: Municipal Economic and Information Bureau*, Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau)

(2) Focusing on high-end transformation and upgrading

4. In-depth promotion of digital and intelligent transformation. Vigorously implement the upgraded version of the "No. 1 Project" of the digital economy, adhere to the "two-wheel drive" of industrial digitalization and digital industrialization, and deepen the construction of a new intelligent manufacturing system of "industrial brain + future factory". Promote the digital transformation of production, implement the transformation and upgrading of enterprise intelligent factories, digital workshops, intelligent production lines, and automatic workshops, comprehensively promote the construction of provincial-level pilot projects for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises in subdivided industries, give full play to the brain service output capabilities of the intelligent electrical industry, and vigorously promote lightweight Level "standardization + personalization" transformation, and create a demonstration sample of "industry brain + enterprise digital transformation". Promote the digital upgrade of products, vigorously support the integration and application of digital technologies such as 5G communication, cloud computing, and IoT sensing, and encourage enterprises to develop new digital products with information communication, remote operation and maintenance, and early warning and forecasting. Promote the digitalization of management, give full play to the effectiveness of Siemens, SAP, Huawei and other service providers, encourage enterprises to apply ERP, PLM, MES and other information management systems, strengthen the construction and application of industrial Internet platforms, and create a data-driven, agile and efficient enterprise management system . In 2023, implement 300 intelligent technological transformation projects, 100 small and medium-sized enterprise digital transformation enterprises, build 5 provincial and municipal digital workshops and intelligent chemical factories, and add more than 3 provincial-level pilot enterprises for the integration of new generation information technology and manufacturing , Newly built and rebuilt more than 500 5G base stations. (Responsible unit: Municipal Economic and Information Bureau)

5. Accelerate the promotion of green transformation. Innovate in the construction of a zero-carbon system in the manufacturing industry, improve the basic capabilities of green manufacturing and low-carbon manufacturing, cultivate a group of green energy-saving service institutions, promote the implementation of a number of energy management systems and energy-saving technological transformation projects, and implement in-depth corporate clean production and energy-saving diagnosis. Eliminate outdated production capacity, guide enterprises to build green factories and near-zero carbon factories, and accelerate the development of green design products and energy-saving products. Explore carbon footprint evaluation and carbon labeling work, establish key product carbon emission accounting methods, and promote the establishment of a carbon labeling system. In 2023, implement 30 energy-saving and carbon-reduction technological transformation projects, accumulatively build more than 8 national-level green factories, 1 provincial-level green low-carbon park, and 14 provincial-level green factories. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Bureau, Municipal Economic and Information Bureau*, Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, Municipal Power Supply Bureau)

6. Continue to promote service-oriented transformation. Promote the deep integration and development of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, increase the cultivation of Internet, software and information technology service industries, and promote the transformation of enterprises from providing single products to comprehensive solutions, from one-time product sales to full life cycle product services . Support manufacturing enterprises to cooperate with qualified general contractors to expand and develop service-oriented businesses such as market research, product design, engineering supervision, and system control. Accelerate the development of the industrial design industry, enhance the independent innovation and design capabilities of enterprises, give full play to the role of the National Medium and Low Voltage Electrical Industry Design Institute and provincial industrial design bases, strengthen product technology, process, and design innovation in the new era, and win the incremental consumption market in the new era. In 2023, cultivate 2 provincial-level service-oriented manufacturing demonstration enterprises (platforms) and 2 provincial-level industrial design centers. (Responsible unit: Municipal Economic and Information Bureau)

(3) Concentrate on gradient cultivation and upgrade of enterprises

7. Pay attention to the cultivation and promotion of cluster leading enterprises. Adhere to internal education and external introduction, implement the "Eagle Plan" in depth, establish 1 billion, 2 billion, 5 billion, and 10 billion enterprise cultivation libraries, and vigorously support leading enterprises with industrial chain control and strong industrial radiation to become bigger and stronger. Deeply expand the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, actively deploy overseas markets, and form a "chain-oriented" enterprise with strong industrial chain driving force, market control and ecological leadership; accelerate the establishment of global resources, markets, talent allocation and production services System, continuously expand the international market share, and enhance the overall competitiveness of the industry. By 2023, there will be more than 345 enterprises with 100 million yuan, and more than 17 enterprises with 1 billion yuan. In-depth implementation of the upgraded version of the "Phoenix Action" to accelerate the pace of corporate listing and mergers and acquisitions, 3 new listings, 3 reporting companies, and dynamic maintenance of no less than 50 backup companies. (Responsible units: Municipal Economic and Information Bureau*, Municipal Financial Work Service Center)

8. Support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises with "specialization, specialization and innovation". Give full play to the role of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's gradient cultivation platform for high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises, and build a database of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises in Yueqing City. Strengthen service docking and monitoring and analysis, track enterprise operations, development trends, opinions and appeals, support policies and cultivation results, etc., formulate policies and carry out precise services in a targeted manner. In 2023, strive to add 5 specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 2 provincial invisible champion enterprises, and 50 provincial specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises. (Responsible unit: Municipal Economic and Information Bureau)

9. Implement quality and efficiency improvement actions for small and micro enterprises. Make full use of the opportunity of inefficient industrial land rectification, encourage small and micro enterprises to reorganize through upstream and downstream integration, same-type integration, etc., strengthen policy incentives for small and micro enterprises that have completed integration with high standards, and make every effort to ensure the needs of enterprises for land use and energy use. Promote the integrated development of growing and technology-based small and micro enterprises to medium-sized enterprises, and the development of non-regulated enterprises to above-regulated enterprises, and precisely support high-quality small and micro enterprises to improve regulations and files, increase capital and expand production. In 2023, 200 new small enterprises will be upgraded. (Responsible unit: Municipal Economic and Information Bureau)

(4) Concentrate on innovation to drive and promote upgrading

10. Strengthen the main position of enterprise innovation. Steadily promote the construction of a national innovative county and a pilot city of "Science and Technology Innovation China", deepen the science and technology enterprise forest plan and the double growth and double progress action. In 2023, 130 new high-tech enterprises will be added, and 350 provincial science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises will be established. Small giant enterprises and provincial science and technology leaders; promote the "head enterprise + university research institute" innovation consortium model, integrate upstream and downstream resources in the industrial chain, vigorously promote key core technology projects, and break through a number of key common technologies; General" pilot project, the introduction of experts and professors from universities and institutes to help enterprises carry out the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and tackle key technical problems. In 2023, the research and development of the whole society will account for more than 2.95%, and the research and development expenditure of industrial enterprises above the designated size will account for more than 3.1%. (Responsible unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau)

11. Pay close attention to the construction of scientific and technological innovation platforms. Unswervingly implement the development strategy of large incubator clusters, comprehensively integrate and upgrade high-energy innovation platforms such as Yueqing Industrial Research Institute of Wenzhou University, speed up the construction of Saibao Southeast Research Institute, and strive to build Hongqiao Electronic Information Valley and Dajing Dendrobium Incubation Base. Batch subdivided incubation bases, promote the construction of artificial intelligence incubators, apply for 2 demonstration incubation bases, and increase the incubation area by 220,000 square meters in 2023. Established a smart electrical innovation center, and laid out a "one center, three districts, and multiple points" incubation space for scientific and technological innovation. Strive to introduce new energy, medium and high-voltage electrical appliances and other key industrial research institutes, increase the proportion of transformation and use of innovation vouchers, continue to attract and land a number of technology transfer transformation centers in universities, each with more than 10 transformation or industry-university-research projects. Promote the high-level construction of Yueqing Park, a national self-innovation zone, and promote the "five indicators" of R&D expenses, the number of high-tech enterprises, the added value of high-tech enterprises, the growth rate of high-tech investment, and the total investment of venture capital institutions in enterprises in the park. Implement the Yueqing High-tech Zone leapfrogging and upgrading project, promote the annual high-quality development evaluation ranking of the high-tech zone to "advance and upgrade", and maintain the forefront of the province. In 2023, more than 2 scientific and technological business incubators (crowd innovation spaces) above the provincial level will be created. (Responsible unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau)

12. Accelerate talent introduction and ecological construction. Deepen the "double recruitment and double introduction" of talent projects, further open up the channels for industry, project and talent connection, and promote the deep integration of talent chain, innovation chain and industrial chain. Strengthen the construction of talent platforms, optimize and upgrade new talent policies such as "flexible talent introduction", implement four major projects for talents to live in peace, enjoy their work, warm their hearts, and gather talents, and create the best counties and cities for talents to "live and work in peace and contentment". Hold innovation and entrepreneurship competitions, vigorously promote key research models such as "revealing the list and leading global talents", attract high-level talent teams from home and abroad, and build an important regional talent center and innovation highland. Build a postgraduate joint training base to broaden talent recruitment channels for enterprises. Promote the enterprise innovation index evaluation system, guide enterprises to further strengthen funding investment, talent investment and resource integration, and improve the level of innovation; deepen the reform of technology and finance, and create a first-class technology and finance service environment. In 2023, strive to attract more than 30 high-level leading talents, more than 10 newly selected national and provincial talent introduction plans, more than 13,000 skilled talents, more than 15,000 college students; and more than 100 engineers in the field of industry and information technology , more than 50 recognized practical talents. (Responsible units: Municipal Party Committee Talent Office*, Municipal Economic and Information Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Investment Promotion Service Center)

(5) Concentrate on market development and upgrade

13. Fully expand the international market. Carry out the action of enterprises "going overseas" to grab orders, organize groups to Europe, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and other places to expand markets, grab orders, and promote recruitment. Encourage enterprises to use the exhibition to go out to expand markets and boost corporate confidence. Make good use of the RCEP Electrical Industry Committee platform, give full play to the "bridgehead" role of commercial representative offices abroad, organize enterprises to participate in the Canton Fair, exhibitions in countries along the "Belt and Road", deepen industrial cooperation, economic and trade exchanges, support high-quality enterprises to extend their industrial chains overseas, and accelerate Cultivate local private multinational companies, and the national share of foreign trade exports has risen steadily. Taking the opportunity of the approval of the Yueqing Bay Port Economic Development Zone, the official opening of the port was promoted, the B-type bonded logistics center was approved, the departure station of Yixin Ou Wenzhou was opened and operated, and the foreign trade container LCL center became bigger and stronger. In 2023, we will compile a catalog of key offline international exhibitions, build 1 public overseas warehouse, and build 3 independent stations; foreign trade exports will increase by more than 8%; cultivate more than 1 approved AEO advanced certification enterprise, and Zhejiang export famous brand enterprises will reach 10. (Responsible units: Municipal Economic and Information Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Commerce*, Municipal Investment Promotion Service Center, Management Committee of Yueqing Bay Lingang Economic Development Zone, Municipal Customs Office)

14. Fully extend the domestic market. Actively integrate into national strategies such as the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and the coastal city clusters of Guangdong, Fujian and Zhejiang, deepen strategic cooperation with Shanghai Jiading and other advanced regions, and broaden resources and accumulate potential energy on a larger scale. Promote the continuous extension and expansion of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, build a docking and communication platform around "production talent, production technology, production and marketing, and production and financing", facilitate project signing and cooperation, and help the industry strengthen the chain, supplement the chain, and stabilize the chain. Deepen the cluster alliance cooperation mechanism, and further strengthen the cross-regional cooperation and exchanges between the electrical industry cluster and the Nanjing new electric power equipment industry cluster. Strengthen the transformation of the marketing model, connect the needles and threads for the joint live broadcast platform of Yueqing enterprises, attract high-quality e-commerce service enterprises to settle in Yueqing, and promote the integration of Yueqing electric enterprises into new e-commerce formats such as new retail and short video live broadcast. In 2023, organize a group of enterprises to go to Nanjing to carry out docking exchanges and cooperation negotiations. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Bureau, Municipal Economic and Information Bureau*, Municipal Bureau of Commerce)

15. Comprehensively enhance brand competitiveness. Implement the brand competitiveness improvement project, launch the "Pinziba" regional public brand, and support enterprises to establish brand promotion departments. Promote the improvement of product quality, encourage leading enterprises and "specialized, special and new" enterprises to focus on technological innovation and product quality, and concentrate superior resources to create "hit products". In-depth implementation of the three-year action plan for pilot counties in the construction of strong national intellectual property rights counties, strengthening the creation, utilization and protection of intellectual property rights, guiding and encouraging enterprises and individuals to apply for invention patents, and encouraging enterprises to apply for foreign patents through PCT. In-depth development of the "Made in Zhejiang" standard formulation, standardization pilot projects, and actively promote the construction of the Zhejiang Low-Voltage Apparatus Standardization Technical Committee. In 2023, 8 new "Made in Zhejiang" brand label enterprises will be newly cultivated, more than 5 new "Made in Zhejiang" standards will be formulated, and more than 1 national/industry standard will be added. Strive to have 7.8 high-value invention patents per 10,000 people, add 5 new intellectual property rights certification enterprises, and have a credit amount of more than 800 million yuan for trademark and patent pledge financing. (Responsible unit: Municipal Market Supervision Bureau)

(6) Double promotion and upgrade of Juli project

16. Strengthen the construction of industrial platforms. Strengthen and optimize the two platforms of Yueqing Economic Development Zone and Yueqing Bay Lingang Economic Development Zone, expand the integration of industrial parks and improve the effectiveness, and make every effort to create a national-level development zone. Accelerate the construction of the new industrial platform of Leqing Intelligent Electric Power Internet of Things "10,000 mu, 100 billion", strive to achieve an industrial output value of more than 50 billion yuan on the platform, and attract more than 2 iconic projects. Efforts will be made to create an upgraded version of the characteristic town, striving to be excellent in the provincial examination of Yueqing Bay Power Technology Town, good in the provincial examination of Yueqing Smart Electric Town, and pass the naming acceptance of Yueqing Electronic Smart Town. Vigorously promote the construction of small and micro enterprise parks, create and improve a number of "small and professional, small and high, small and good" small and micro enterprise parks. In 2023, strive to start construction of 2 small and micro enterprise parks and complete 2. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Bureau*, Municipal Economic and Information Bureau, Yueqing Economic Development Zone Management Committee, Yueqing Bay Lingang Economic Development Zone Management Committee)

17. Accurately attract landmark projects. Establish and improve the working mechanism of "big investment promotion and large business promotion", focus on extending the chain, supplementing the chain, strengthening the chain and optimizing the chain around the advantageous industries such as smart electrical, digital economy, and new energy, digging deep into the resources of Yueqing people abroad, and keeping an eye on the world's top 500 companies, national brands, and the central government Prefix and leading and leading enterprises, vigorously carry out investment promotion by business, stationed investment, and fund investment, concentrate firepower on major industrial projects such as Oriental Yuhong, and strive to land 50 projects exceeding 100 million yuan and 10 projects exceeding 1 billion yuan , more than 10 billion yuan. Vigorously develop the headquarters economy, focus on nurturing strategic emerging industries and high-end headquarters of the modern service industry, and strive to attract 30 headquarters enterprises and attract 1.2 billion yuan in taxes. Cooperate with internationally renowned financial intermediaries such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, explore the pilot program of qualified overseas limited partners, and actually utilize foreign capital exceeding US$100 million. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Municipal Investment Promotion Service Center*, Municipal Financial Work Service Center)

18. Accelerate project construction and put into production. Adhere to the project as king, tackle the "five batches" of major projects on a rolling basis, build and improve the dynamic project library of industrial investment, establish the "four lists" system of projects, and strengthen the management of the whole life cycle of projects. Intensify the use of the 3.0 platform for online approval and supervision of investment projects, support industrial projects with multi-certificate integration, multi-map joint review, start construction after land acquisition, and trial production after pre-inspection, so as to promote early start, early completion, and early production of projects . Make every effort to promote the construction of Chint's high-efficiency N-type photovoltaic cells, photovoltaic module production bases, and electro-optic explosion-proof smart mine systems; start Jiangnan CNC, Jiebao Technology and other projects, complete and put into operation the third phase of Zheneng Power Plant, and Chint's key component manufacturing base. In 2023, there will be 7 provincial 152 projects and more than 3 provincial major industrial projects; 100 capital increase and production expansion projects will be planned, 100 will be started, and 50 will be completed, with an investment of more than 8 billion yuan; strive to realize industrial investment and manufacturing investment Increased by 12%, high-tech investment increased by 15%. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Bureau*, Municipal Economic and Information Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau)

3. Job security

(1) Strengthen policy support. Systematic planning and comprehensive integration form an "8+4" policy system, implement policy packages in key areas such as expanding effective investment, technological innovation, and "415X" advanced manufacturing cluster cultivation, reshape the fiscal and industrial policy system, and coordinate and integrate various manufacturing support Policies, concentrated financial resources to support key tasks such as industrial foundation reconstruction and industrial chain improvement, advanced manufacturing transformation and upgrading, high-quality enterprise competitiveness improvement, cluster service system construction, talent introduction, technological innovation, etc.; comprehensively implement various policies such as cost reduction and burden reduction Measures to smooth the "through train" of preferential policies for enterprises, speed up the cashing of funds, realize real-time supervision and full-process supervision of special funds, and further boost market confidence and stabilize development expectations. (Responsible units: Municipal Office, Municipal Development and Reform Bureau, Municipal Economic and Information Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau and other relevant units)

(2) Strengthen factor support. Fully implement the four element guarantee lists of natural resources, finance, energy, and talents. Strengthen the protection of industrial land, take the opportunity of the national-level pilot project of collectively-operated construction land entering the market and the construction of national natural resource conservation and intensive demonstration counties (cities) to implement a new round of "vacating the cage to change the bird, and the phoenix nirvana" to deepen the "mu average" "On Heroes" reform 3.0, further improve the pre-evaluation mechanism for industrial projects, make good use of the application of "digital allocation of industrial land", try to implement the flexible transfer system of industrial land and the system of first lease and transfer later, and strictly implement the "double contract management" system of industrial land, in 2023 Strive to transfer 1,500 mu of new industrial land. Adhere to the combination of expanding incremental volume and mining stock, and carry out the transformation of old industrial blocks across the region. In 2023, 1,800 mu of inefficient industrial land will be rectified, and more than 50 old factory buildings will be renovated. In-depth implementation of the smooth financing project, promotion of innovative financial products such as intellectual property pledges, equity pledges, and industrial chain financing, and financing projects such as "renewing loans without repayment of principal" and "expanding first-time loan households", and adding 7 billion new manufacturing loans in 2023 yuan or more. Plan a new round of key industry development funds, give play to the leading role of government industry funds in innovation, and drive social capital investment. Strengthen employment security, further promote the integration of production and education, further deepen school-enterprise cooperation, vigorously develop vocational education, cultivate more than 5,000 high-skilled talents, and carry out vocational skills training for more than 20,000 people. Further strengthen the protection of energy and resources such as water, gas, and pollution discharge rights, carry out in-depth special actions for the "year of deepening and improving" the power business environment, and implement joint water, electricity and telecommunications services. In 2023, the investment in power grid construction will be 498 million yuan. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Bureau, Municipal Economic and Information Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, Municipal Financial Work Service Center, Municipal Power Supply Bureau, Municipal Pedestrian Bank, Municipal State-owned Capital Operation Group, Municipal Water Affairs Group)

(3) Optimizing the business environment. Deepen the creation of the "Two Health" Pioneering Zone, vigorously implement the "No. 1 Reform Project" to optimize and improve the business environment, continue to carry out the special action of "single-mindedly for the development of enterprises, government and enterprises", establish a list of enterprise-related problems and sell numbers, and start "Yueqing 365, every day in the service" brand; improve the intelligence and convenience of government services, achieve a "one-stop service" rate of more than 95%, and promote the reform of "starting construction after obtaining land", "trial production after pre-inspection" and "obtaining certificates upon completion" Expand the scope and improve efficiency, and strive to create a first-class business environment that is market-oriented, ruled by law, and internationalized. Carry out face-to-face consultations on the "two healthy through trains" (government-enterprise talks), realize the synergy of offline and online services, and comprehensively create a systematic, digital, and precise service model for helping companies bail out. Promote the list of exempt and light penalties for enterprises, adhere to strict and prudent law enforcement and inclusive and flexible law enforcement, strengthen the filing and review of major administrative punishment decisions, and accelerate the creation of a legalized business environment. (Responsible units: Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, Municipal Development and Reform Bureau, relevant law enforcement departments, Municipal "Two Health" Office)

(4) Pay close attention to the implementation of the work. Establish and improve the working mechanism for the transformation and upgrading of the city's manufacturing industry, improve the information communication, sharing mechanism and evaluation working mechanism, strengthen the division of responsibilities among departments, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, and strengthen supervision and assessment. To implement list-based promotion, all departments should sort out and form a list of key enterprises, key projects, and key platforms for various key tasks; benchmark against the national and provincial advanced, further refine work measures, clarify goals and time nodes, and accurately set Monthly, quarterly and other phased goals, highlighting the process and phased results; to form a supervision mechanism, to regularly report and supervise the progress of the work, to form a closed loop of work, to ensure that the focus is not let go, the intensity is not reduced, and each task is implemented Effective, forming a batch of characteristic landmark achievements of Yueqing. (Responsible unit: Municipal Office)
