In 2022, the number of PCT international patent applications in Shanghai will increase by more than 15% and strive to exceed 7,000 this year

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China News Service, Shanghai, March 16 (Reporter Chen Jing) The Shanghai Intellectual Property Office disclosed on the 16th that in 2022, the number of invention patents granted in Shanghai will reach 36,800, a year-on-year increase of 11.98%; PCT ("Patent Cooperation Treaty") international The number of patent applications was 5,591, an increase of 15.76%.

This year, Shanghai will continue to promote the construction of the intellectual property operation system, focus on the three leading industries, implement the intellectual property operation promotion center project of the leading industries, and effectively promote the effective transfer of intellectual property rights in the upstream and downstream enterprises of the leading industries; focus on the financing needs of asset-light technology-based SMEs, Implement the intellectual property financial innovation center project. It is understood that this year, Shanghai will focus on organizing and launching industrial intellectual property risk early warning analysis, enterprise intellectual property capacity improvement training, overseas intellectual property rights protection, patent Various series of public services, such as agency assistance, support the creation of a fairer, more transparent, and more predictable business environment in the whole society.

The Shanghai Municipal Intellectual Property Office stated that by 2023, the number of PCT international patent applications will strive to exceed 7,000. In 2023, while fully implementing the "Framework Agreement 2.0 for the Integrated Development of Intellectual Property Development in the Yangtze River Delta Region", Shanghai will formulate and implement a promotion plan for strengthening intellectual property protection, and accelerate the application for the deployment of national intellectual property protection centers in areas with mature conditions. .

According to reports, this year, Shanghai will formulate "implementation opinions" to strengthen the connection of intellectual property appraisal work, and explore the establishment of an intellectual property protection system in the field of centralized pharmaceutical procurement. At the same time, Shanghai will intensify its efforts in administrative adjudication of patent infringement disputes, improve its ability to respond to overseas intellectual property disputes, and promote the benchmarking reform of the World Bank's new assessment system for the global business environment.

It is understood that in 2023, Shanghai will further carry out the action of "entering the park to benefit enterprises" of intellectual property financial services, start the construction of a financial innovation center; deepen the construction of intellectual property operation centers in colleges and universities, and strengthen the construction of national-level intellectual property powers to build pilot demonstration parks and pilot demonstration universities , Cultivate advantageous demonstration enterprises.

The Shanghai Municipal Intellectual Property Office revealed on the same day that it will promote the signing of a new round of cooperation memorandum of understanding between the Shanghai Municipal Government and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) this year, and support the expansion of WIPO's arbitration and mediation Shanghai Center business.

