Global Trademark GO - Paraguay - Introduction to Paraguay Trademark Application

Submitted by haili on

A Paraguay trademark may consist of one or more words, slogans, logos, monograms, seals, illustrations, reliefs, different shapes or combinations of names, words, letters and numbers, colours, labels, packaging and combinations and arrangements of packaging, products or The form, display or packaging of its packaging can apply for traditional trademarks and non-traditional trademarks such as word trademarks and graphic trademarks.

1. Trademark authority

2. How to apply for trademark registration

  • Electronic application

3. Trademark registration application language

  • spanish

4. Documents required for trademark registration application

  • Trademark application
  • Applicant’s information and address
  • Trademark pattern
  • List of goods and/or services
  • The power of attorney must be notarized and certified.
  • Copy of the priority document and its Spanish translation, with a notarized translator’s affidavit required

5. Paraguay trademark registration application process

  • Formal review: After the application is submitted, the legality of the submitted application documents, trademark drawings, power of attorney and other documents will be reviewed; if the application is in compliance with the regulations, the application date and application number will be awarded.
  • Substantive examination: Examine whether the trademark is registrable according to the law, whether it is identical or similar to a previously registered trademark, and whether it violates the prohibition provisions of the trademark law. For a trademark that fails substantive examination, the examining officer will notify the applicant in writing and inform the applicant of the reasons for rejection. The applicant may submit for review within the time limit from the date of receipt of the rejection notice. Otherwise, the application will be deemed abandoned and the application date and application number will not be retained.
  • Announcement: After review, after the examining officer believes that the trademark application is acceptable, the applicant shall make an announcement through REDPI (DINAPI Service) or a newspaper with a large circulation or a professional newspaper. The objection period is 60 days from the date of announcement.
  • Submit a statement of use: After the above procedures, the Trademark and Patent Office issues a "notice of permission", non-registration certificate; Based on the trademark intended to be used, before issuing a registration certificate, within 6 months after the issuance of the "notice of permission", the applicant must provide A declaration of genuine use of the trademark in business can be extended by application.
  • Registration approval: After receiving the statement of true use, the Trademark and Patent Office will review it again. If upon review it is decided to accept the statement of genuine use, a registration certificate is issued. The entire smooth application process (if there are no rejections, objections, etc.) takes about 8-12 months.

6. Documents required for trademark change/transfer

  • Change/Change of Address Information
  • power of attorney
  • transfer agreement
  • Trademark registration certificate

7. Trademark cancellation

  • If a registered trademark is not used for five consecutive years, it may be revoked.

8. Trademark objections

  • Within 60 days from the date of trademark announcement, anyone can file an objection request against the announced trademark. The objection period starts from the date of the last announcement.

9. Authorization, validity period and trademark renewal

  • A Paraguayan trademark is valid for 10 years from the date of registration and can be renewed indefinitely.

10. Average time for trademark authorization

  • If the registration goes smoothly, the average time for trademark registration in Paraguay is 8-12 months.