- Within 3 years from the filing date, the patent type can be changed from utility model to invention upon request of the applicant
- Utility model patents can be converted to design patents at any time
A conversion fee shall be paid for patent type conversion. Once the original patent application is converted, it will be deemed withdrawn.
- How long is the protection period of Japanese invention patent application
- How long does it take to authorize an industrial design in Japan?
- How long is the protection period of industrial design in Japan?
- Features of Japanese design patent application process
- Which is the competent authority for utility model patent applications in Japan?
- Is a Japanese industrial design application eligible for DAS?
- What are the requirements for Japanese invention patent application documents
- What are the requirements for Japanese industrial design application documents?
- Whether a Japanese industrial design application can apply for a combined appearance
- Novelty grace period for utility model applications in Japan