Filing Language: English | |
via Paris Convention | via Nationalization of PCT |
Necessary documents:
| Necessary documents:
Attachments (if any)
| Attachments (if any)
If the disclosure is caused by the inventor or the information source of the discloser is the inventor; or if the disclosure occurs again after being disclosed by the above-mentioned subject, the patent enjoys a novelty grace period within 12 months before the filing date/priority date.
- Grant fee: The applicant shall pay the granted registrar's fee 3 months after receiving the granted decision notice.
- Annual Fee: None.
English: United States Patent and Trademark Office, abbreviation: USPTO
US invention patent search: Patent Public Search | USPTO
- via Paris Convention : 12 months from earliest priority date.
- via Nationalization of PCT : 30 months from the earliest priority date.
If the disclosure is caused by the inventor or the information source of the discloser is the inventor; or if the disclosure occurs again after being disclosed by the above-mentioned subject, the patent enjoys a novelty grace period within 12 months before the filing date/priority date.
2-3 years