On January 7, 2025, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia deposited the Protocol to the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement, thereby becoming the 76th Contracting State to the Geneva Act and the 82nd Member of the Hague Union. The Geneva Act will enter into force in Saudi Arabia on April 7, 2025. According to the declaration attached to the instrument of accession:
- Saudi Arabian law does not provide for deferral of industrial design publication
- An international application can only contain one independent and unique industrial design.
- A change in ownership of an international registration recorded in the International Register will not take effect in Saudi Arabia until the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property (SAIP) has received documentation supporting the change in ownership.
- The maximum protection period for industrial designs under Saudi Arabian law is 15 years.
- Standard secondary designation fee applies
- Changing the prescribed period for the decision on refusal of the validity of international registration from 6 months to 12 months
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