
Norway Profile

Norway, officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a unitary constitutional monarchy located in Scandinavia. Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers (148,747 square feet) and a population of approximately five million people. It is the second least densely populated country in Europe. It shares a long border with Sweden, borders Finland and Russia to the northeast, and faces Denmark across the Skagerrak Strait. It shares maritime borders with Russia in the Barents Sea, with Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Iceland in the Norwegian Sea, and with S...Read more

Norway Profile

Norway, officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a unitary constitutional monarchy located in Scandinavia. Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers (148,747 square feet) and a population of approximately five million people. It is the second least densely populated country in Europe. It shares a long border with Sweden, borders Finland and Russia to the northeast, and faces Denmark across the Skagerrak Strait. It shares maritime borders with Russia in the Barents Sea, with Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Iceland in the Norwegian Sea, and with Sweden and the United Kingdom in the North Sea. Oslo is the capital and the largest city with the largest population and a population of nearly one million.

Norwegian Intellectual Property Legal System

  • "trademark law"
  • "Designs Act"
  • "Plant Varieties Act"
  • "Patent Law"
  • Copyright Act
  • Employee Invention Protection Act
  • The Industrial Property Office Act

International Organization/Agreement

  • Vienna Agreement Establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks
  • Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs
  • Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks
  • Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure
  • Patent Cooperation Treaty
  • European Patent Convention
  • Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms
  • Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations
  • The Strasbourg Agreement on the International Patent Classification
  • "Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization"
  • Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs
  • Nice Agreement on the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks
  • Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
  • Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
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