American Profile
The United States of America, commonly known as the United States in Chinese, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, 1 special district, 5 self-governing territories and outer islands under its jurisdiction. The 48 contiguous states and the federal district of Washington, D.C. are located in central North America, between Canada and Mexico. Alaska is located in the northwest of North America, west of Canada, and east of Russia across the Bering Strait. Hawaii is an archipelago in the central North Pacific Ocean. The country also has five occupie...Read more
The United States of America, commonly known as the United States in Chinese, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, 1 special district, 5 self-governing territories and outer islands under its jurisdiction. The 48 contiguous states and the federal district of Washington, D.C. are located in central North America, between Canada and Mexico. Alaska is located in the northwest of North America, west of Canada, and east of Russia across the Bering Strait. Hawaii is an archipelago in the central North Pacific Ocean. The country also has five occupied territories and nine unoccupied territories in the Pacific and Caribbean regions.
US Intellectual Property Legal System
International Organization/Agreement