INPI only conducts formality examination of utility model patent applications. Substantive examination may only be requested if the applicant deems it necessary. An invention protected by a patent can be protected simultaneously or successively with a utility model. To this end, applicants have a maximum of 1 year to make changes.
- Can the priority right of Portuguese invention patent application be restored?
- What are the requirements for the Portuguese invention patent application documents
- What are the requirements for the utility model application documents in Portugal?
- Who is the Portuguese utility model patent authority?
- Is a Portuguese industrial design application eligible for DAS?
- How long is the PCT deadline for utility model applications in Portugal?
- Which is the competent authority for patent applications for inventions in Portugal?
- Instructions for Authorization and Annual Fee of Portuguese Invention Patent Application
- Whether the Portuguese invention patent application can be DAS
- Can the priority right of a utility model application in Portugal be restored?