yes. As long as the application is not abandoned, the patent type can be converted from utility model to invention within 3 months of filing the utility model patent application, or within 3 months from the date when IMPI requires the applicant to make the conversion, after paying the relevant fees.
- How long does it take to authorize an industrial design in Mexico?
- Can the priority right of utility model applications in Mexico be restored?
- Whether the Mexican invention patent application can be type-converted
- Novelty Grace Period for Patent Applications for Inventions in Mexico
- How long is the protection period of Mexican invention patent application
- Novelty Grace Period for Utility Model Applications in Mexico
- What are the requirements for the Mexican industrial design application documents
- Novelty grace period for industrial design applications in Mexico
- Can Mexican invention patent application priority be restored?
- Instructions for Authorization and Annual Fee of Mexican Invention Patent Application