- Grant fee: The patent applicant should pay the granted fee within 3 months from the date of receiving the patent granted decision
- Annuity: The annual fee for the first year is paid at the same time as the granted fee. Subsequent annual fees should be paid within 6 months before the due date. Overdue annual fees can be paid within a 6-month grace period, and a 10% late fee will be paid at the same time
- Characteristics of Vietnam invention patent application process
- Can the priority right of utility model applications be restored in Vietnam?
- Features of the utility model patent application process in Vietnam
- How long does it take for Vietnam invention patent application to be granted?
- Can the priority right of Vietnam invention patent application be restored?
- How long does it take for a utility model application to be granted in Vietnam?
- Instructions for Authorization and Annual Fee of Vietnam Invention Patent Application
- Whether utility model applications in Vietnam can be type-converted
- Novelty Grace Period for Vietnam Invention Patent Application
- What are the requirements for Vietnam invention patent application documents