Global Patent GO Colombia - Introduction to Patent Applications in Colombia

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Macondo in the past, Colombia in the present

"Many years later, Colonel Aureliano Buendia, standing before the firing squad, will remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to visit ice cubes... ". As soon as we read this most famous line in the history of literature, we can't help but see the continuous rainy season in Macondo, and Macondo is the epitome of Colombia, just like the huge and complex picture scroll shown in "One Hundred Years of Solitude". China's national culture is full of diversity. It not only has the profound influence of the aborigines, but also incorporates the characteristics of Spanish colonial culture. In modern times, it is deeply influenced by French culture and American culture.

Colombia is one of the most attractive economies for international trade and foreign investment in Latin America. Colombia uses its rich natural resources to make the oil industry a pillar industry. Among the main export products, oil and petroleum products, chemical products, coal, etc. Accounted for the vast majority. The governments of China and Colombia have held regular economic and trade mixed committees since 1986. China has exported a large amount of electrical and electronic products, mechanical products, computer and communication equipment, textiles and metal products to Colombia. Today, China has become a Colombian second largest trading partner. In November 2022, the first 1:1 model car of Metro Line 1 in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, will be delivered to the port of Barranquilla. This is the urban rail car with the highest level of automatic driving function exported from China to Colombia, and the vehicle will be launched. China's rail transit companies will also participate in the operation of Bogota Metro Line 1. BYD delivered 64 BYD electric buses to Medellin, Colombia's second largest city, a year ago.

In recent years, Colombia has used a variety of means to promote R&D and innovation. Banks, taxation and the private sector have jointly provided funds to support researchers to engage in research and innovation activities. Colombia is increasingly becoming a market favored by pharmaceutical companies. The number of patent applications in Colombia by pharmaceutical companies from the United States, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, France and Spain has soared. Tecnoquimicas, Pfizer, Merck & Co, Roche, Bayer and Procas all It has increased its application efforts in Colombia. In the "2025 Outlook" released by Colombia, it plans to promote itself as the top three most innovative countries in Latin America and become a leader in biotechnology in the world.

Today we will take a look at Colombia's patent system.

Introduction to the Colombian patent system

1. Languages in which Colombian patent applications are filed

For Spanish, a Spanish translation must be submitted at the same time as the application, and supplementation will not be accepted.

2. Types of patent protection

Inventions, utility models, designs

3. Paths for Chinese applicants to apply for patents in Colombia

Paris Convention, via Nationalization of PCT to Colombian national phase, direct application

4. Submission Deadline

Paris Convention: 12 months, priority cannot be restored; via Nationalization of PCT enters the Colombian national phase at the latest 31 months;

5. Review unit

Colombian Administration of Industry and Commerce, Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, referred to as SIC.

6. Review process

- Formal review: 15 days; if you receive a formal correction notice, you must reply within 30-60 days;

- Substantive examination: Substantive examination request must be submitted within 6 months after the publication of the application at the latest, and the objection period after publication must be 3 months. Utility models are subject to substantive examination just like inventions. Amendments that do not exceed the scope of the original Claim can be proposed at any time during the application process, but if the number of Claim is increased, the substantive examination fee will be paid; under normal circumstances, only one office action will be issued.

7. Authorization and annual fee

Colombia does not charge authorized official fees, the annual fee should be paid year by year from the date of application, and should be paid before the last day of the month where the application date is located each year. There is a 6 month late payment period.

Features of Colombian patents

1. The Colombian administrative and judicial system is conducive to patent rights and can provide effective protection for patent assets. In the global litigation involving 5G standard essential patents, Colombia was the first to issue a global preliminary injunction and can provide evidence through pre-litigation motions. The parties are provided with sufficient opportunities to gather evidence;

2. Chinese applicants can submit a request for accelerated examination through the PPH bilateral agreement between China and Colombia, and Colombia is a member of the Andean Community, and can also provide the Andean Community PPH and the Global Patent Prosecution Highway GPPH to submit a request for accelerated examination;

Friendliness to Chinese applicants:
Gold content of patent rights:
The degree of perfection of the rights protection mechanism: