Uruguay Chapter of Global Patent GO——Introduction to Patent Application in Uruguay

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Free Oriental Republic of Uruguay

"Eastern people, without a homeland, would rather die in the soil, not be free than die with honor", this is the national anthem of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, the full name of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, which is the Uruguay we are familiar with. And this small country in South America fought for freedom and independence with the great powers of Spain, Portugal, Argentina, and Brazil for more than a hundred years, and finally became a modern democratic constitutional republic in the 20th century.

In 2013, The Economist listed Uruguay as the "Country of the Year in the World". Its democratic procedures, peace procedures, corruption and e-government ranked first in Latin America. Uruguay's per capita contribution to the United Nations peacekeeping force ranks first in the world First, the freedom of the press, the degree of economic freedom and the flow of foreign direct investment are all in the leading position among Latin American countries, and due to the tolerant attitude towards the legalization of marijuana and the recognition of same-sex marriage, Uruguay is considered to be the most free and peaceful country in the world. One of the most progressive countries.

If a country has a high degree of tolerance and tolerance for individual rights, it often means that the country's technology and development innovation will also be high. Uruguay ranks third in South America in terms of Human Development Index, GDP growth, innovation capability and infrastructure construction, and ranks third in the world in terms of electronic participation. As of 2019, Uruguay's economy has maintained growth for 17 consecutive years. Although agriculture is the main source of Uruguay's economic industry, it is not a backward agricultural country. Uruguay has shown outstanding forward-looking thinking in terms of Internet access. Children in schools and retirees provide free computer and online education, becoming the only country in Latin America and the Caribbean that has launched a 5G commercial network. At the same time, thanks to the high level of digital education, Uruguay has a large number of computer talents.

In order to protect innovation, Uruguay also has outstanding features in intellectual property rights. Today we will take a look at Uruguay's intellectual property system.

Introduction to the Patent System in Uruguay

1. Languages in which patent applications are filed in Uruguay

Spanish, if submitted in a non-Spanish language, the Spanish translation must be supplemented within 30 days from the date of application. If the translation is provided by the client, a Uruguayan agency is required to provide a translation "oath" to make the translation effective.

2. Types of patent protection

Inventions, utility models, designs

3. Paths for Chinese applicants to apply for patents in Uruguay

Paris Convention (cannot directly enter the Uruguayan national phase through the via Nationalization of PCT )

4. Review unit

The Intellectual Property Office of Uruguay is part of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines of the National Institute of Industrial Property of Uruguay. (National Directorate of Industrial Property Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining)

5. Review process

The Uruguayan patent application publication process will be entered within 3 months after the new application is submitted; and within 60 days after publication is the opposition period, and anyone can submit a third-party public opinion;

The substantive examination of a Uruguayan patent application must be paid within 120 days after publication to start the substantive examination procedure, and utility models also need to submit a request for substantive examination just like inventions.

6. Authorization and annual fee

Uruguay has an granted fee, which needs to be paid for the first to fifth year of the annual fee from the date of granted announcement, with a 6-month late payment period.

Features of Uruguayan patents

1. Uruguay currently has a serious backlog of patent applications, and it takes an average of 8-10 years to obtain granted; however, at present, Uruguay can submit a request for fast-track examination in accordance with the fast-track examination resolution adopted by Uruguay in September 2021, and provide search results from other countries at the same time, which will greatly increase the speed of examination;

2. Filing third-party public comments within the 60-day opposition period after publication in Uruguay is a powerful tool to effectively prevent a rival patent application from being granted.

Friendliness to Chinese applicants:


Gold content of patent rights:


The degree of perfection of the rights protection mechanism:
