Global Patent GO - Finland - Introduction to Finnish Patent Applications

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Innovation system in the land of Santa Claus

Everyone knows the legend of Santa Claus. On the night of December 24th every year, he will fly in the sky on a sleigh pulled by 9 reindeer, enter the house through the chimney, and then secretly put gifts on the children's bedside. in stockings, or piled under the Christmas tree by the fireplace. Every Christmas, there is one country where Santa Claus is extremely busy, and that is Finland, because this is where the legend of Santa Claus began, and it is also the only country that has been recognized as the hometown of Santa Claus.

Finland is located in northern Europe, bordering Sweden, Norway, and Russia. It borders the Gulf of Finland to the south and the Gulf of Bothnia to the west. It has a land area of 338,000 square kilometers. It is ranked first among the happiest countries in the world and is also recognized in the world today. one of the most innovative countries. Finland's innovation, research and development, technology and competitiveness rank among the best in many international assessments. In 20 key scientific and technological fields, 17 of them rank among the top ten in the world. Finland has been rated as the most competitive country in the world by the World Economic Forum many times. . As early as the 1990s, Finland has established an innovation mechanism suitable for its own economic development, and has continuously adjusted and improved it in practice. It has now formed a system ranging from education and R&D investment, corporate technological innovation, innovative venture capital, to improving corporate efficiency. A relatively complete independent innovation system for export innovation capabilities. For a long time, the Finnish government has attached great importance to education and has continuously increased investment in the field of education to create good conditions and environment for technological innovation of enterprises. Finland implements a free education policy. High school and higher education are free. Anyone can go to university as long as they are willing to receive higher education. In order to maintain its leading position in science and technology, the Finnish government continues to increase investment in research and development. Finland’s investment in research and development accounts for 3.5% of GDP, ranking third in the world. In Finland, almost any potential idea or innovative project is Can get a lot of support. The total number of patent applications in Finland in 2021 is 12,929, and the proportion of authorizations is as high as 58%. Among these authorized applications, 77% come from overseas and non-resident applicants. This shows that Finland is tolerant of foreign patent applicants. very high.

Introduction to the Finnish patent system

1. Language for filing patent applications in Finland

  • Finnish/English

2. Types of patent protection

  • Inventions, utility models, designs

3. Ways for Chinese applicants to apply for patents in Finland

  • Paris Convention, PCT international application enters Finnish national phase, European patent Finland comes into effect, direct application

4. Review unit

  • Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH)

5. Submit application

  • deadline requirements
    • Paris Convention route invention/utility model: 12 months from the earliest priority date (if this period is exceeded, the patent application in Finland can still be resumed within 16 months from the earliest priority date)
    • PCT route invention/utility model: The period for PCT national phase entry in Finland is 31 months from the priority date (this period can be restored within 2 months from the date of removal of the obstacle, but no later than the expiry of the 31-month period 12 months)
    • Design: 6 months from earliest priority date.
  • Submit an application: Finnish patent applications can be submitted electronically online or on paper.
  • Finnish patent applications can be filed in Finnish, Swedish (only if the applicant's native language is Swedish) and English. If the application materials are in English, the Finnish translation of the abstract and claims must be submitted within 18 months from the filing date and before the application is published.

6. Review process

  • Formal examination: After submitting the patent application, PRH initiates a preliminary investigation to review whether the submitted documents correspond to the application content and confirm that the minimum requirements for continued examination are met;
  • Disclosure: After passing the preliminary examination, the invention patent application will be published within 18 months from the priority date;
  • Substantive examination: Invention and design patent applications are subject to substantive examination, which begins automatically without the need to submit a specific request. Utility model patents are only subject to formal examination;
  • Authorization: After passing the formal examination and substantive examination procedures, if the examiner believes that the authorization conditions are met, the official will grant the patent right, and the authorization announcement fee must be paid within 2 months after receiving the official notification;
  • Objection: The opposition period is 9 months after the authorization of the invention application, and the opposition period is 2 months after the authorization of the design patent. Anyone can raise objections to the invention patent.

Characteristics of Finnish patents

1. The average processing time for utility model patents is only 3 months;

2. Finland can apply for multiple designs.

Friendliness towards Chinese applicants:


The value of patent rights:


Completeness of rights protection mechanism:
