EPO releases mRNA technology patent analysis report

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The EPO released an mRNA patent analysis report on October 25, outlining important patent trends in the field of mRNA vaccines:

  • Although mRNA vaccines have attracted attention because of COVID-19, related patent applications have gradually increased as early as the 1990s;
  • Most of the patent applications filed in this field are filed through PCT applications, and then enter the stage in the United States, Europe, Australia, Canada, China, Japan and other countries. The number of PCT international applications is higher than the average level, showing the public's interest in this technology and transnational commercialization strategies. The economic benefits brought about are highly anticipated.
  • Companies and universities in the United States, Europe and China are the most active applicants in this field, and the percentage of European applicants investing in this field is even higher than in other emerging technology fields, such as quantum technology.

mRNA patent family statistics from 1990 to 2021
