Restoration of rights requests in Canadian patent applications

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A request for restoration of a Canadian patent application after it has been abandoned may be made no later than 12 months after the patent application was first deemed abandoned.

A Canadian patent application will be deemed abandoned if no action is taken within the time limits specified below:

  • No response to the review opinion before the deadline
  • Failure to respond to patent application maintenance fee and late payment fees by the deadline
  • Failure to file a request for substantive examination and failure to respond to a notice to pay the examination fee and late payment fee before the deadline
  • Failure to respond to a request for translation from CIPO by the deadline
  • Failure to respond to CIPO's request for appointment of a patent agent by the deadline
  • Failure to respond to CIPO's request for further drawings by the deadline
  • Failure to respond to the correction request sent by CIPO before the deadline
  • The final fee in the Notice of Grant was not paid by the deadline.
  • Failure to respond to the request for continued examination and pay the fee by the deadline
  • Failure to respond to the CNOA Conditional Permit Notice and pay the final fee by the deadline
  • A formal request for restoration of rights must be filed with CIPO
  • If a patent application is deemed abandoned due to multiple failures, you can file a one-time application to restore the application in the following circumstances:
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