Azvudine R&D Mileage

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Azivudine tablets were launched by Henan Zhenbio on July 25, 2022. As an oral small molecule new coronavirus infection treatment drug independently developed by my country, it can be used to treat adult patients with common new coronavirus infection.

Azivudine is currently priced at 270 yuan in China, and it was successfully negotiated at 175 yuan per bottle in the 2022 medical insurance negotiation, and it will be included in the medical insurance catalogue.

As of today, the sales volume of Azvudine tablets has exceeded 5 million bottles. If the price of 270 yuan per bottle remains unchanged, then, with only one new crown indication, Azvudine’s annual sales will reach about 1.3 billion.

On January 18, 2023, at the press conference on the adjustment of the national medical insurance drug catalogue, it was announced that Azivudine tablets were officially included in the national medical insurance drug catalogue.

On August 9, 2022, the 1mg specification of Azvudine Tablets (35 tablets per bottle) has been included in the diagnosis and treatment plan for novel coronavirus infection and temporarily included in the scope of medical insurance payment.

On July 25, 2022, the State Food and Drug Administration urgently and conditionally approved Henan Zhenzhen Biotechnology Co., Ltd.'s application for registration of new coronary pneumonia treatment indications for Azvudine tablets.

On July 18, 2022, the State Food and Drug Administration conditionally approved the launch of the original anti-new coronavirus drug Azvudine in my country for the treatment of new coronavirus infection after review.

On July 21, 2021, Azvudine was conditionally approved by the State Drug Administration for the treatment of adults infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) with high viral load.

In February 2020, after Azvudine was found to be able to resist the new coronavirus, in April 2020, it was approved by the State Food and Drug Administration to conduct phase III clinical trials against the new coronavirus. In July 2021, Azvudine, an anti-HIV drug, was approved for marketing. It is the world's first dual-target anti-AIDS innovative drug.

In December 2015, Azvudine was approved for phase II/III clinical trials.

On April 30, 2013, it was approved by the State Food and Drug Administration to enter clinical trials. As of May 2013, the drug has been granted a Chinese invention patent and submitted an international application through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) .

